Carol Smith, Scotty Pulliam, Cletus Gibson and Jerry Jansing from the American System Society, joined thousands of their union brothers & sisters in Indianapolis on Thursday. The four rode the bus up and stood in the windy cold along with a large turnout from the UAW and many other labor organizations in opposition to the union-busting strategies in Indiana, Wisconsin and other places around the country. Below is a brief video of the protest to give you an idea of the strong turnout the of the mass strike phenomenon the unions were able to harness.
The government is using the financial crisis caused by the repeal of Glass-Steagall to justify the dismantling of unions in an attack on the middle class to lower wages.
Of course, lower wages and less government spending (austerity!) is exactly the wrong thing to do when keeping and creating all kinds of jobs and increased economic activity is the only way out of this recession. And of course, we need to re-institute Glass-Steagall and write off the gambling debt, to fix the problem and be sure it doesn't happen again!