Full List of Co-Sponsors for Glass-Steagall
July 15, 2011 • 10:01 AM
**July 15 Update: Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), the head of the Progressive Caucus, has added his name as a cosponsor to H.R. 1489, in addition to Rodney Alexander (R-LA), who is the fourth Republican co-sponsor.
**July 13 Update: The Kentucky state AFL-CIO passed a resolution for H.R. 1489 on July 13, becoming the second state AFL-CIO after New Jersey to do so.
**July 13 Update: The Kentucky state AFL-CIO passed a resolution for H.R. 1489 on July 13, becoming the second state AFL-CIO after New Jersey to do so.
The following is a growing list of both congressional support behind bills for Glass Steagall in the House of Representatives and organizations and municipalities which have passed resolutions in support of HR 1489.
Current List of Congressional Co-Sponsors to Marcy Kaptur's HR1489.
- Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), the Co-Chair of the Progressive Caucus
- Rodney Alexander (R-LA)
- Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY), former Chairman of the United States House Committee on Ways and Means
- John Garamendi (D-CA)
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter (D-NY), ranking member House Committee on Rules
- Edolphus Towns (D-NY), former Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
- Jim McDermott (D-WASH)
- Lynn Woolsey (D-CALIF), former Co-Chair Progressive Caucus
- James Moran (D-VA)
- John Conyers (D-MICH), former Chair, current ranking member House Judiciary Committee, dean of Black Caucus
- Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-ILL)
- Walter Jones (R-NC)
- (init.) Marcy Kaptur (D - Ohio)
- Maxine Waters (D-CA), former Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus
- Marcia Fudge (D-OH)
- Kurt Schrader (D-OR)
- Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD)
- Danny Davis (D-IL)
- Peter Visclosky (D-IN)
- Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)
- Jan Shakowsky (D-IL)
- Barbara Lee (D-Ca), former Chair Congressional Black Caucus, former Co-Chair of the Progressive Caucus
- Mike Coffman (R-CO)
- George Miller (D-CA), former Chair, current ranking member Education and the Workforce Committee
- Hansen Clarke (D-MI)
- Fortney Pete Stark (D-Ca)
- Michael Capuano (D-MA), ranking member U.S. House financial services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
Current List of Congressional Co-Sponsors Rep. Maurice Hinchey's H.R. 2451
- (init.) Maurice Hinchey (D-NY)
- John Conyers (D-MI)
- Michael Capuano (D-MA)
- Peter DeFazio (D-OR)
- Jay Inslee (D-WA)
- Lynn Woolsey (D-CA)
Institutional Support:
- January 2011 -- The Louisiana State Board of the National Association of Realtors passed a resolution calling for the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall, and demanding that the National Association of Realtors do the same.
- March 2011 -- The National Farmers Union, at its March 13-15 National Convention in San Antonio, reaffirmed its spring 2010 call for the immediate reinstatement of Glass-Steagall.
- May 2011 -- The International Association of Machinists, one of the largest unions in America, put the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall, specifically H.R. 1489, as a priority for their legislative agenda.
- May 9, 2011 -- The Columbia Pacific Building Trades Council unanimously endorsed LPAC's resolution for Glass-Steagall.
- May 11, 2011 -- The Northwest Oregon Labor Council unanimously endorsed LPAC's resolution for Glass-Steagall.
- May 12, 2011 -- The Democratic Party of Multnomah County, Oregon--the country in which the state's largest city, Portland, is located--passed a resolution calling for the immediate reinstatement of Glass-Steagall.
- June 14, 2011: The New Jersey state AFL-CIO has endorsed HR1489. It passed a unanimous voice vote before the state AFL-CIO convention. The resolution states that the national AFL-CIO supports this legislation.
- June 16, 2011: The Greater Louisville, KY, Building And Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO, passed a resolution of support for H.R. 1489.
- June 16, 2011: The Kentucky State I.B.E.W. Conference passed a resolution supporting the enactment of H.R. 1489 and calling on their Congressional delegations to cosponsor and vote for this bill.
- June 22, 2011: The Rochester & Genesee Valley Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO, endorsed the resolution in support of H.R. 1489 .
- June 24, 2011: PA State Council of Machinists, endorsed the AFL-CIO resolution in support of H.R. 1489
- June 24, 2011: IBEW Local 575 of Portsmouth, Ohio endorsed the AFL-CIO resolution in support of H.R. 1489
- June 29, 2011: Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans, an AFL-CIO affiliated organization endorses H.R. 1489
- June 30, 2011: King County Democratic Party Central Committee (Seattle, WA), endorses Glass Steagall, along with H.R. 1489
- June 30, 2011: The Fox Valley Labor Council AFL-CIO, out of Wisconsin has endorsed H.R. 1489.
- June 30, 2011: Shawnee District AFL-CIO Council, Portsmouth, OH, endorses H.R. 1489 with a resolution.
- July 7, 2011: The Executive Board of IBEW Local Union 715, located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, pass a resolution for H.R. 1489.
- July 12, 2011: The Executive Board of the Wisconsin State Council of Machinists, an organization representing 70,000 members in Wisconsin, passed a resolution calling for enactment of H.R. 1489.
- July 13, 2011: Kentucky state AFL-CIO passed a resolution for H.R. 1489, becoming the second state AFL-CIO after New Jersey to do so.
Legislative Support:
- June 2010: The Borough Council of Lansford, Pa. and the Council of Morgan Township both passed resolutions demanding their Congressmen re-enact Glass-Steagall.
- September 2010: The Port Jervis, New York City Council passed LPAC's resolution for Glass-Steagall.
- Fall 2010: Mansfield Township, New Jersey passed LPAC's resolution for Glass-Steagall.
- May 24, 2011: The city council of Irvington, NJ passed a Glass-Steagall resolution.
- June 13, 2011: The city council of Newton, NJ passed a Glass-Steagall resolution.
- June 14, 2011: The city council of Elizabeth, NJ passed a Glass-Steagall resolution.
- June 20, 2011: The City Council of the Boro of Ridgway, PA, passed a resolution calling on Congress to pass H.R. 1489.
- July 7, 2011: The Washington State 30th Legislative District Democrat Committee passed a Glass Steagall resolution.
- July 11, 2011: The Council of the Home Rule Borough of Edinboro, Pennsylvania, passed a resolution in support of H.R. 1489.
- July 12, 2011: The City Council of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania passed a resolution calling for Glass Steagall by a unanimous vote of 7 to 0.
- July 12, 2011: The Washington State 32nd Legislative District Democratic Committee passed a resolution for the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall.
- July 14, 2011: The City Council of Conroe, Texas passed a resolution supporting Glass-Steagall.
Resolutions Introduced:
- February 11, 2011 -- Kentucky State Senator Perry Clark (D) introduced a resolution calling on Congress to immediate reinstate Glass-Steagall.
- March 17, 2011 -- Missouri State Rep. Bert Atkins (D-St. Louis County) introduced HCR 49, a concurrent resolution calling for Congress to reinstate Glass-Steagall.
- March 24, 2011 -- Alabama Rep. Tom Jackson (D) introduced H.R. 190, a resolution urging Congress to reinstate Glass-Steagall.
Editorial Support:
- The Fairbanks, Alaska Daily News Miner, in June 2010.
- The Bangor, Maine Bangor Daily News in June 2010.
- The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, the flagship paper of Richard Mellon-Scaife, on November 22, 2010.
- The Mitchell Daily Republic, in South Dakota, published an op-ed by Ron Wieczorek calling for Glass-Steagall, on July 2, 2011.